B. Ed

1st Year


Course No. Course Name Credit Theory Practicum Full Marks
Course 1 Childhood and Growing up 4 80 20 100 M.
Course 2 Contemparrary India and Education 4 80 20 100 M.
Course 3 Learning and Teaching 4 80 20 100 M.
Course 4 Language across the Curriculum 2 40 10 50 M.
Course 5 Understanding Disciplines and Subjects 2 40 10 50 M.
Course 6 Gender, School and Society 2 40 10 50 M.
Course 7a Pedagogy of a School Subject-part I 2 40 10 50 M.
Course EPC 1 Reading and Reflecting on Texts 50 M.
Course EPC 2 Drama and Art in Education 50 M.
Course EPC 3 Critical Understanding of ICT 50 M.
Total - 26 650 M.
* Engagement with the Field : Tasks and Assignments for Courses 1-6 & 7a.

2nd Year


Course No. Course Name Credit Theory Practicum Full Marks
Course 7b Pedagogy of a School Subject - Part II 2 40 10 50 M.
Course 8 Knowledge and Curriculum 4 80 20 100 M.
Course 9 Assessment for Learning 4 80 20 100 M.
Course 10 Creating an inclusive School 2 40 10 50 M.
Course 11 Optional Course*** 2 40 10 50 M.
Course EPC 4 Understanding the Self 2 --- 50 50 M.
School Internship 10 --- 250 250 M.
26 --- --- 650 M.
** Engagement with the Field : Tasks and Assignments for Courses 7b & 8-10.
# One credit is equal to 16 hours for theory and for practicum 32 hours.

Note : *** Optional Courses can be from among the following- Vacation.Work Education.
Health and Physical Education, Peace Education, Guidance and Councelling , etc.
## Al the EPC will be evaluated internally and records/projects will be verified by University Representatives.